Faculty of Medicine University of Maribor


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In accordance with the foundation proposal of CME, the Dean of Faculty of Medicine and the Student Council of Faculty of Medicine announced the following CME representatives for the duration of academic year 2012/2013:

Area Faculty and student representatives Contact information
Clinical Skills Laboratory Tamara Todorović, MD todorovic.tamara@gmail.com
Karmen Zeme karmen.zeme@gmail.com
Simulation Center Assoc. Prof. Marjan Skalicky, MD, PhD marjan.skalicky@gmail.com
Monika Sobočan monika.sobocan@gmail.com
Information Technology Assoc. Prof. Dejan Dinevski, PhD dejan.dinevski@um.si
Vigor Arva vigor.arva@gmail.com
Tutorial System Prof. Milan Brumen, PhD milan.brumen@uni-mb.si
Matic Mihevc matic.mihevc@gmail.com
Curriculum Development Assist. Prof. Zalika Klemenc Ketiš, MD, PhD zalika.klemenc@um.si
Jasna Knez knez.jasna@gmail.com

CME contact - general: cim.mf@um.si