Medicinska fakulteta Univerze v Mariboru


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Dear students,

cordially invited to

„Winter School in Medical Engineering“ 

“Prosthetics, Materials and Medical Simulations”

From/to: February 5 – 9, 2024

Target groups: bachelor’s/undergraduate students (end of studies; eg. 5th semester)

Join us for five days and receive up to 2 ECTS (according to your individual recognition criteria). In addition to lectures and workshops, our program will include site visits and one optional day for cultural activities.

Application deadline December 10, 2023. Students should contact us via e-mail ( in order to receive an individual application link. Further details and updates will be also available on our Winter School Homepage

If you do not offer any adequate study-program, please excuse, and disregard my e-mail. Thank you.
Best regards,

Mag. Iwona Hunstorfer
Head of International Office
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
School of Medical Engineering and Applied Social Sciences
Garnisonstrasse 21 | 4020 Linz/Austria
Tel. +43 5 0804 54060

Download this file (WinterSchoolMedEng 2024_FHOOE.pdf)WinterSchoolMedEng 2024_FHOOE.pdf[ ]1271 kB