Faculty of Medicine University of Maribor


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Transitions are possible among study programmes:

  1. which upon the completion of studies ensure the acquisition of comparable competencies;
  2. among which according to the criteria for acknowledgment at least half of the obligations under the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (hereinafter: ECTS) are acknowledged from the first study programme which refer to compulsory subjects of another study programme.

Conditions and number of called posts for the continuation of studies according to the Criteria for transitions are determined by the Senate of the Faculty of Medicine University of Maribor for each year separately. Conditions and number of posts are published in the Call for enrolment. For the transition among study programmes what counts is termination of student's education in the study programme into which he/she is enroled and the continuation of education in the new study programme.

The transition is possible only among study programmes of the same level – the transition from medical studies and dental medicine. The transition to the study programme Dental Medicine is possible only in the 2nd year.

Upon the transition among study programmes of the same level the following criteria are taken into account:

  • fulfilment of general enrolment conditions which are determined for enrolment to the 1st year,
  • successful conclusion of the 1st year of studies in the programme of previous institution (all 60 ECTS points)
  • average mark at least 8.5 or more.

Applications of candidates for the transition to the study programme Dental Medicine are dealt with by the Commission for Student Affairs of the Faculty of Medicine University of Maribor. In case many candidates are applied, the candidates will be chosen on the basis of success in the studies so far. The Commission for Student Affairs of the Faculty of Medicine University of Maribor, in the procedure of acknowledging previous education for the purpose of the continuation of studies at the Faculty of Medicine University of Maribor, determines bridging examinations in the subjects which differ from the study programme Dental Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine University of Maribor.