Medicinska fakulteta Univerze v Mariboru


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Univerza v Mariboru je bila uspešna pri prijavi programa Erasmus Mundus JoinEU SEE IV, ki ga koordinira Univerza v Gradcu. Program JoinEU SEE IV omogoča pridobitev štipendij za izvedbo mobilnosti iz držav EU v države Zahodnega Balkana in obratno.

Mobilnost v okviru programa je možna na vseh ravneh visokošolskega izobraževanja in vključuje mobilnost študentov (dodiplomskih in podiplomskih) ter zaposlenih (učnega in drugega osebja).

Razpis za pridobitev štipendij z vsemi podrobnimi informacijami je dosegljiv na uradni spletni strani programa JoinEU SEE:


Skrajni rok za prijavo je 1. 2. 2013. Realizacija mobilnosti bo prvič možna v zimskem semestru š. l. 2013/2014.


Dodatne informacije lahko pridobite v Službi za mednarodno sodelovanje in programe mobilnosti, Suzani Rizani (






objavljamo vabilo na kongres v Košicah 2013.



"ISMCK wants to strength the international network for scientific collaboration and to link different nations and cultures as well. Our congress offers young scientists to share the results of their work from the fields of medicine, public health, dentistry, pharmacology and biomedical sciences. Participants can present their research projects and to exchange ideas on topics through oral or poster presentations in categories: basic science, clinical medicine, dentistry, pharmacology, public health and PhD students’ work. As the congress is mainly for students the age of active participants and co-authors cannot exceed 35 years. Moreover, there is possibility to attend various workshops and trainings on special skills. In the evenings we are preparing social programme which will allow all participants to get to know our country and nationality.


It would be our pleasure to welcome your students and colleagues at ISMCK 2013. Our congress has mostly positive recommendations and we hope that that your students and colleagues will have the same experience. Therefore I would also like to kindly ask you to promote our congress among your students and colleagues.


Registration is opened from 15th December 2012 on Deadline for abstracts submission is 1st March 2013. For more information, please visit our website or mail us your questions to "

Download this file (ISCMK_poster.png)ISCMK_poster.png[ ]5944 kB



obveščamo vas, da bo referat zaprt:

- v torek, dne 18.12.2012 v času dopoldanskih uradnih ur od 9.30 do 11.00 ure

- v sredo, 19.12.2012, v času popoldanskih uradnih ur od 13.00 do 14.30 ure.



Hvala za razumevanje.


