Medicinska fakulteta Univerze v Mariboru


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Podiplomski študij

V tabeli rezultatov izpita za Molekularno biologijo za studente doktorskega programa, ki smo jih objavili 9. 2. 2012, je pomotoma izpadla vpisna št. 30810511.  Končna ocena je 10.



obveščamo vas, da je Univerza v Mariboru dne, 23. 12. 2011 v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije objavila javni razpis za sofinanciranje doktorskega študija z naslovom »Inovativna shema za sofinanciranje doktorskega študija za spodbujanje sodelovanja z gospodarstvom in reševanja aktualnih družbenih izzivov - generacija 2011«.

Zainteresirani lahko na spletnem naslovu
  najdete natančnejše informacije o razpisu.




Doctoral Program "Metabolic and Cardiovascular Disease" (DK-MCD)

sponsored by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and 3 universities in Graz

(Medical University, University, University of Technology)

Projects starting March 1, 2012

Application deadline: November 20, 2011

The Medical University of Graz, the University of Graz and the Graz

University of Technology offer an excellence PhD program funded by the

Austrian Science Fund (FWF) in "Metabolic and Cardiovascular

Disease" (DK-MCD) that provides an in-depth, multidisciplinary

training in biomedical research in a stimulating international

environment. The thesis projects focus on aspects of metabolic and

cardiovascular diseases that integrate basic research and

clinically-oriented sciences utilizing a wide spectrum of

state-of-the-art techniques.

For selected PhD students there is the possibility for up to 3 years

employment with a contract that includes social benefits and will be

encouraged to spend up to one year abroad joining other collaborating


Applicants must hold, or be close to obtaining, an undergraduate degree

equivalent to a Master in any discipline of natural or life sciences or

medicine. The selection procedure, all training activities and

communication will be in English. Thus, excellent written and spoken

English skills are required.

Applications must be submitted per email to in

full and using only the requested forms.

Further information and application forms are available at: